Welcome to deykuzor.com.
This site is owned and operated by A. Yo-Han Gallo (deykuzor|deckuzora) and serves as a portfolio of his (my) work.
This is generally a hub website as well as an update website. No content is posted solely here (at least not anymore). However, it is often tedious to present a portfolio of work spanning several websites, so the solution has been to just make one website and consider that the logical place to point towards for projects and work. That being said, this website, itself, is a part of that growing portfolio of work as it was created from scratch using basic knowledge of HTML5 and CSS3. If you'd like to check the web development proficiency, this site is compliant.
You can also check out other forrays into modern web design challenges. These two gaming guild websites are also managed and designed by deykuzor.
...and if you're curious about... less proficient work in web development, you can always check the old site portal which houses older versions of this website, as well as old works to be less proud of but still are worth mentioning.