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About the YouTube Channel

Blurb Thing:
This is the long version.

I don't stream because I'm awkward and hate talking to a live chat.

Most stuff on the YT are are clips from my gaming sessions with friends.

Sometimes I'll randomly upload something else, because while the channel is theoretically variety gaming content focused, I really just do whatever I want. Algorithmically, we are a dead end and I don't care. I have no partnerships, no editors, any and all work is done solely via my own production unless otherwise noted in a video description or title (in the instance of collaboration).

Some FAQ Stuff based on the (few) comments I was getting:

Q: Who are you? A: Some Korean guy in the world making videos.

Q: Why don't you play X anymore? A: I have my reasons. Sometimes things don't go to plan. I wish I could make everyone happy, but things are what they are and I apologize.

Q: WHY DO YOU CATER TO THE LIBS??? A: I don't cater to them. I AM socially liberal. Not a democrat, I'm just liberal. It won't come into most of my videos, but it will come up if it arises in my commentary. It's just how I see the world. I probably won't hate you if you have differing ideals.

Q: Wow, you produce really high quality videos/ Wow this video is way lazier than your last one / Wow you put too much effort into a the video of a game you're not even good at, WHY? A: I like video editing, but I hate tedium. I'd rather share a low effort recording of something interesting than find unique ways to make a video interesting all the time. Some things though I am inspired to put more effort into, and I will flex my video editing/production skills. Even if the thing I am presenting is whatever. One of my goals is to make a presentable, polished, slick product that takes almost no effort to actually produce.

Q: Can I suggest a game? A: You may but I probably won't get around to it. I have only a few hours a day to play games, and I sort of know what I wanna do already.

Q: Why do you only play with girls? A: I don't. I play with plenty of guys too. They're just less available.

Q: Can you speak Korean? A: I can read Hangul. Poorly. Like a 3 year old who just learned phonemes. Do I know what I read? No, my vocabulary is miserable. Someone please teach me.

Q: Why do you sometimes speak Japanese? A: I grew up in a place with a strong Japanese population. It was easier to pick up Japanese growing up, and when the J-pop culture craze hit the US, it got even easier. I'm not super invested in Japanese pop culture, but I'd rather continue practicing the limited Japanese I know than to lose it. That and a bunch of my close friends are Japanese. Makes me feel like they can't throw me out.

Q: Why do you always Apex 3 stack? A: It's just friends I want to play with and none of us are really good enough to be a 3 stack... If anything, I MIGHT be better off in solo queue but I don't like other people

Q: What are your pronouns?/EW WHY DO YOU USE THOSE PRONOUNS??/WHAT IS IN YOUR PANTS?? A: You people are fucking weird. If you really care, I change my mind constantly on my pronouns and whether I want to be seen as feminine, masculine, or agender, and you have a 33% chance of making me bothered by what you refer to me as at any given day. It's not like you can predict that without asking me that day, and that's not fair to you. My YouTube is never live, so no one on YT can ask me anyway. So don't worry about it. Parasocial relationships are unhealthy anyway.

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